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Vitamin D deficiency affects lung

Associated with lack of vitamin "d" previously strongly disease asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease "COPD", but a new Australian study found that a lack of vitamin D alter the body and lung functions in young laboratory animals.
This study provided the first evidence linking the lack of a consistent deficit of vitamin D and lung function and change their structure, and posted revenues of online magazine "respiratory medicine and intensive care" published by the American Society of Chest Medicine.
Says researcher Telethon Institute for Child Health Research in Australia Spiaco, Graeme Zauski, the results clearly showed that vitamin D deficiency alter lung growth, leading to decreased size and the decline of its functions.
This is the first direct evidence showing that vitamin D deficiency alter lung development, which may explain the link obstructive pulmonary disease levels of vitamin D.
The researchers used mice to evaluate the pulmonary responses to vitamin D deficiency in week-old mice, and compared Bnzirat do not suffer from the yoke, to determine its effects on the growth and the lung.
Direct relationship
The aim of the researchers to determine whether the lack of vitamin D effect on the growth of the lung, also refers to the low volume of the lung, and determine whether it was lack of change the mechanical properties of lung tissue, due to change their structure.
Researchers found lung airway resistance is much higher, while lung volume was much smaller in mice suffers from lack of vitamin D, compared to the natural counterparts.
The tests revealed lung tissue in mice that suffers from lack of vitamin D for low efficiency and lung function, as well as the lungs have smaller. The researchers believe that this may be due to deficiencies in vitamin D in mothers or their young.
Due to the nature of the study, the researchers can not determine whether the observed differences in the size of the lung - de young rats - caused by lack of vitamin D has a specific, or as a result of inadequate growth of the incident in the womb due to a lack of vitamin D in mothers.
Implications for preventive
But for the first time, this study demonstrated a direct role of vitamin D in low efficiency and lung function in the absence of other factors such as lack of physical activity, which confirms the results of epidemiological studies of vitamin D argument attachment functions of the lung.
According to Dr. Zauski, the marked differences, large and significant physiological in the size and lung mechanics, gives rise to real concerns about the increasing prevalence of vitamin D in various communities across the world.
These results also raise concerns related to what can be caused by lack of vitamin D on lung health, in particular, the potential impact of his increasing susceptibility to disease, obstructive chronic bronchitis.

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