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High blood pressure

High blood pressure
If you are suffering from high blood pressure is not trying to cut off treatment because it may lead to a very high pressure can not stop the medicine in case of discipline of the pressure treatment, and in case of diarrhea and vomiting for the gastrointestinal disease stopped generating and consult your doctor.
See your doctor at least every 6 months or in case of new symptoms or prevent the taking adrenaline or ephedrine pills for pregnancy Owalodoih decongestants and some medicines for weight reducers.
Most medicines are not given during pregnancy, please refer to the clinic before pregnancy should not be pregnant during treatment hypotensive without telling your doctor.
Viagra is prohibited by setting the total pressure must be set for all risk factors such as obesity, smoking and lack of exercise, sugar, cholesterol and fat. And follow-up required to search for the absence of adverse effects of the drug analysis and planning and testing follow the recommendations carefully.
Please refrain from Aerated salt and licorice and Albozor and pickles, and nuts, alcohol, and long daily walk is useful to reduce the pressure
The headaches and dizziness and tinnitus and heartburn may be the head of the signs of pressure as well as nose and eye hemorrhage.And lower weight also reduces the pressure and there is a relationship between snoring and pressure.
The non-drug treatment for hypertension is to reduce the weight and exercise and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables with less sodium and alcohol and a lot of potassium.Of the causes of chronic stress STRESS pressure, obesity and lack of exercise and alcohol and sodium in the salt and Aerated.Of the causes of pressure and renal glands and blood vessels and control pills, cortisoneBeware of strong painkillers (Voltarn, Deklon, Velden ...) If you suffer from high blood pressure

1 commentaire :

  1. En parlant avec un médecin est beaucoup plus facile. .

    we are here to help others
    thank you Kumar


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